User Auth System with Persistent Sessions using Phoenix, Pow, and Mnesia

A Lib Abandoned I have a web app built on Phoenix/Elixir that up until today used Coherence as its user authentication lib. Unfortunately the maintainer of this lib has straight ghosted, and so my options were fork Coherence and maintain it myself, build my own user auth system, or search out another lib. I did …

Automatically Restart Elixir Applications after Server Reboot with Edeliver/Distillery, Ubuntu, and Crontab

Edeliver is an awesome deployment tool for Elixir applications, including Phoenix apps, but one thing it lacks (intentionally) is support for auto-restarting your Elixir app after server reboots. Out of the box, if you want to restart your app after a server reboot, you can just run $ mix edeliver restart production in a terminal …

Setting up Phoenix Channels to use MessagePack for Serialization

In this article, I’ll show you how to setup your Phoenix 1.3 app to use the binary serialization format MessagePack for sending and receiving web socket channel messages. What is MessagePack? MessagePack is a binary serialization format. You know how JSON uses strings to represent different kinds of data and objects? Well MessagePack does the …

Deploying a Phoenix App to Ubuntu 16.04 with Edeliver, Distillery, and Nginx

When I first started doing live testing of Breakfast of Champions, I was using Heroku because it’s cheap, easy, and it’s what I was used to. Unfortunately, Heroku allots you very little CPU power regardless of your dyno size. Not to mention they restart every app once a day, hot swapping is not possible, nor …

Give me a (Video Game) Break!

According to the “experts” sourced in click-bait articles, playing video games during work can be beneficial in helping restore your “affective abilities” so as to “restore [your] mood in response to stress“. Furthermore, “Stepping away from a tricky task for a few minutes of gaming might spur a new perspective on a business problem or …

Out of the Frying Pan

We’ve got a big announcement to make — Breakfast of Champions has now reached the playtest phase! It’s been under development for a couple months now, so presenting the  game to our friends and family is a really exciting milestone for StrongWing Studios. Not to get sentimental on this post, but I tear up when …

Choosing a Tech Stack for a Multiplayer Action Game: Part 2 – The Frontend

In Part 1 of this three part series, I explained why I chose Elixir for the back end of our flagship game, Breakfast of Champions. Here in Part 2, I’ll talk about the decision process for the frontend tech.  There will be three frontends because we’re planning on making the game playable through browsers, an …

First Post!

Thanks for reading the very first StrongWing Studio blog post! Come back here every now and then to check out our latest updates. You won’t regret it at all… Actually, we can’t promise that. We don’t know you or what’s going on in your life. (Did I mention we have a newsletter?) Anyway, while we have …